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Students looking for a sponsor and mentor

The STUDAID students below are still looking for a sponsor and/or mentor. We look forward to hearing from you if you would like to support a young person in Cambodia!

David M.

David M.

Phnom Penh

Born: 2004

Professional goal: Surveyor

Studies: Geography and Land Management at the Royal University of Agriculture; English

Current job: Barista in a cafe and waiter in a soup shop

Sponsor support: University and English

Rachany C.

Rachany C.

Phnom Penh

Born: 2005

Professional goal: Accountant

Studies: Accounting at the Royal University of Law and Economics; English

Current job: Salesperson (food)

Sponsor support: University and English

Sarath R.

Sarath R.

Phnom Penh

Born: 2004

Professional goal: Administrator/government official in my community

Studies: Public Administration at the University of Cambodia; English

Current job: Warehouse manager

Sponsor support: University and English

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